In Bangladesh, Government use of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT), especially those related to the Internet is still
underdeveloped. The Ministry of Science and Information and
Communication Technology (MOSICT), the government agency
responsible for ICT related issues has not been able to achieve the
goals set out for E-Governance in the National ICT policy of 2002. The
Government of Bangladesh has inadequate capacity and infrastructure to
harness the benefits of ICT in improving public sector management and
processes. Use of ICT within the Government is very limited and
only a small number of civil servants have Internet and email access.
Furthermore, strategic ICT planning skills are in short supply within
the Government.
As a result, the Government has not been able to utilize ICT systems and applications to
improve the efficiency, transparency and quality of public services and
processes. Governments to citizen and business interactions are
inefficient and cumbersome. Information stored in paper files is
difficult to access and replicate. The flow of information between
government agencies is also slow and this delays the decision making
While a limited number of public agencies have websites, these are
mainly informational and these technologies have not been effectively
utilized to facilitate and improve information sharing within and
between agencies. The Government announced its National Policy on ICT in
October 2002. The vision and
the objectives of the policy are:
•This Policy aims at building an ICT-driven nation comprising of
knowledge-based society by the year 2006. In view of this, a
country-wide ICT-infrastructure will be developed to ensure access to
information by every citizen to facilitate empowerment
of people and enhance democratic values and norms for sustainable
economic development by using the infrastructure for human resources
development, governance, e-commerce, banking, public utility services
and all sorts of on-line ICT-enabled services.
• Promote and facilitate use of ICT in all sectors of the economy for transparency, good governance and efficiency improvement.
• Develop a large pool of world-class ICT professionals to meet the needs of local and global markets.
• Promote use of ICT by providing special allocations for ICT project
implementation in the public sector. Train the decision makers in ICT
use and promote a ICT culture;
• Provide effective incentives for development of ICT sector to both local and foreign entrepreneurs;
• Develop an efficient ICT infrastructure that provides open access to international and national networks;
• Establish legislative and regulatory framework for ICT issues like
IPR, data security and protection, digital signature, e-Commerce, ICT
education etc. as well as to ensure quality ICT education provided by
different private organizations.
• Set up national databases that are
reliable and easily accessible to all the people of the country;
• Set up an ICT organization at the highest level to continuously promote and foster ICT Industry;
• Enact Laws and Regulations for uninterrupted growth of ICT, in conformity with World Trade Organization (WTO) stipulations.
The Government through both the Ministry of Planning and MOSICT has
begun to implement limited programs in line with the above policy,
(i) establishment of a Government web portal
(; and
(ii) establishment of
individual Ministry websites. The Ministry of Planning is currently
undertaking a project to establish web presence for Ministries. In
June 2003, the MOSICT and Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) prioritized a
number of activities in the e-governance sphere to
be implemented by the Government in the short term, including:
building ICT infrastructure in all government agencies;
(ii) ensuring
ICT training for all government employees;
(iii) appointing a Chief
Information Officer in each Government Agency; and
(iv) ensuring that all government organizations with whom citizens need
to interact have a web presence. On January 11, 2004, the Government’s
Cabinet Committee on Good Governance and Administrative Reforms decided
that the use of ICT in Government
would be accelerated in order to bring about more transparency in
Government. The Government of Bangladesh is committed to utilizing ICT
as a tool to improve Government information flows and public sector
management practices.
To meet the vision and objectives of the ICT Policy, it is necessary to
develop a short, medium and long term National ICT Road Map/Action Plan
for Bangladesh.
2. Scope of Work
2.1 Main Objective
The main objective of this assignment is to develop a Short, medium
and long term National ICT Action Plan or Road Map for Bangladesh on the
basis of the National ICT Policy 2002, that provides detailed action
plan for the (i) use of ICT in Bangladesh’s development efforts and (ii)
development of Bangladesh’s ICT sector as a whole and in particular
2.2 Tasks
The main tasks to be undertaken by the consultants include the following:
2.2.1 Task
1: Building a framework of the National ICT Road Map.
The consultants will:
• Carry out broad consultations with various stakeholders in Bangladesh
in order to identify the goals and build the framework of the National
ICT road map. In doing so, the consultants will take into account the
previous work that has been done in the country.
• Gather and exchange information on the current ICT development
status in Bangladesh, identify who are the main stakeholders, what are
the success stories, failed efforts, and the lessons learned.
• Identify aspects of the National ICT policy that have been
established as a priority and also identify other aspects that should be
considered in the next 3 – 5 years.
2.2.2 Task2:
Identifying the Key Elements of the National ICT Roadmap.
Following the first set of consultations, and after identifying the
priorities, issues and needs in terms of ICT development in Bangladesh
and determining how they should be addressed, the consultants will:
• Identify the key elements or thrusts to be addressed in the ICT road
map and come to agreement with the MOSICT/BCC on these key
• Assess, discuss and develop the main strategies required to address
the selected key elements of the National ICT roadmap.
2.2.3 Task 3:
Developing detailed action plan and programs for each of the key elements of the road map.
The consultants will:
• Develop in detail the main strategies to achieve the objectives of
the key elements of the roadmap. The strategies will also consist of
programs to be undertaken in the short and medium terms. The
objective of each strategy will be clearly developed.
• In developing the strategy, identify the organization(s) responsible
for implementing the strategies, including the terms of reference that
detail the tasks and action steps to be undertaken, responsibilities,
resource requirements, implementation schedule, monitoring and
evaluation indicators; and mechanisms for monitoring).
2.2.4Task 4:
Conducting consultations on the Road Map.
After developing the road map, the consultants will:
• Conduct consultations with the stakeholders on the draft road map and strategies to address its key elements.
• Take into consideration the results of the consultation and
incorporate them into a revised road map for adoption by the Government.
2.2.5Task 5:
Capacity Building.
The consultants will also assist in capacity building of MOSICT and BCC staff and officials.
3. Structure for the ICT Roadmap
Our recommended criteria for developing the structure of the roadmap are that it should:
- Cover all the key areas normally covered within the scope of a
national plan for ICT for development. Based on research undertaken
by Gov3 across over 30 countries, that suggests that it should be
capable of covering at least the following:
o Coordination and policy setting
o Increasing diffusion and use
o ICT skills and employment
o Digital content
o ICT business environment
o Enhancing the infrastructure
o Policy assessment and evaluation
- Build on existing work in Bangladesh.
- Be clearly communicable
- Form the basis for strong programme management, including ensuring
that closely related areas of work are clearly shown as such
I have easy and affordable access to ICT Motivation I see real benefits from ICT which are directly relevant to my life
E-disaster and
climate change
1 Empowering users 5
Leadership and Governance 3 Growing the
ITEC sector
Digital content
I have all the skills I need to use ICT, and I feel trust and security
using it 4 Enabling the market Fiscal
Legal framework
ICT Roadmap for Bangladesh > recommended work streams
Strategic trade-off model for the Bangladesh ICT Roadmap
Short term
Year 1
Medium term
Years 2-3
Longer term
Years 4-5
- Legal and regulatory Framework
- Empowering Citizens
- Access
- Confidence
- Motivation
- Education
- ICT/ITES industry
- Business
- Leadership and Governance